$20 Flat Rate  
  24 hrs Delivery or FREE  
  Sew Out of the digitized file  
  24 hrs online suppport  
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1. How much do you charge?
2. What formats can we send the digitized file in?
3. What is your delivery period?
4. What sort of digitizing your company specializes in?
5. What computer generated images can you read?
6. How do you deliver?
7. Do you designs run well?
8. Do you have sample designs?
9. How do I pay you ?
10. Do you run swatches of the logos before you send the file?


1. How much do you charge?  
  We charge $20 Flat Rate. We do not charge for simple edits.
2. What formats can we send the digitized files in?

We can send the files in the emb format of WILCOM, mls of WINGS, isi of ETHOS, Tajima dst , Pulse pxf, Compucon ref, Melco cnd, exp, Barudan dsb, ZSK dsz etc.

3. What is your delivery period?
  Delivery is within 24 hrs.
4. What sort of digitizing your company specializes in?
  We specialize in left chest corporate logos, hat logos using the center-out method and also Jacket Backs.
5. What computer generated images can you read?
  We can read all of the following formats: tif, gif, pcx, jpg, cdr, eps, pdf, ai and bmp.
6. How do you deliver?
  The Internet is the ideal way of delivering .All our deliveries are processed through the Internet.
7. Do your designs run well?
  We digitize with production in mind. We use double check system which is a two stage system that checks all the possible defects that occur in color changes, trims, densities or as per any of your specification. We also sew out designs on a sampling machine.
8. Do you have sample designs?
  Yes, you can click on 'Gallery' link on the home page.
9. How do I pay you?
  We accept payment by paypal, credit cards and also wire transfers.
10. Do you run swatches of the logos before you send us the file?

We sew out a sample maybe even twice till we are convinced of its smooth run on the machine before sending any digitized file to our clients.

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